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About us

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8(495)765-25-08; 8(985)915-26-00 - запись по телефонам:

English Country Language Center was founded in 2011. We invite you to join us! You can perfect your English, German or Portugalian in our groups or individually.

- I welcome you on the site of our Language Center

During the years spent in Moscow, I have become fluent in Russian. Now I help others bring their English to the highest level.

While getting my higher education, as part of the student body committee, the secretary and a representative of the student body, I had the opportunity to travel to the state capital for organized meetings with the state legislators.  After graduation, I was invited to work at a public school, specifically with Russian speaking students. My responsibilities were not only to teach them English, but to teach all school subjects in English. That was my first year in the school system. I still keep in touch with my students. After another year, this time at a private school, in Moscow, I started giving lessons.

Director of education

On-line запись
на пробное занятие
8(495)765-25-08; 8(985)915-26-00 - запись по телефонам:
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